Sterling Will – from only RM700
Make a Sterling Conventional Will online in minutes

The perfect time is now!
Now a fully legal Sterling Standard Will is yours to make and update online. You can try it for free and if you like it, purchase it and keep it for life. Your Will is uniquely yours and easy to make. In just a few clicks, you can secure and preserve your family’s inheritance in print.
Your Will is stored securely in the cloud, and you can make as many changes to it as you want without paying extra. New house, more children, an increase in wealth – update your Sterling Standard Will online, and as your circumstances change, your Will changes to keep up with your circumstances.

I would like to applaud the creators of Createwills
“The thought-through process that went into making the digital platform must have been painstakingly tedious. Thank you for developing a unique value proposition”Nurul Dazzlia, 30

From the signed-on till the signed-off was stress-free
“ I must admit listing every asset you have can be a tedious process but a process that one must be willing to take if you wish to embark on creating a will. You never know what the future holds so best to prepare for any eventualities”Yustriati Md Hashim, 40

Location is not a problem!
“I live in Singapore and the difference in estate planning being a Malaysian and married to a Singaporean can be a complicated process. Knowing that Createwills has undergone thorough research and is supported by a panel of lawyers, Shariah advisors, etc helps give credence that Createwills will stand the legal compliance test. Shariah will made easy”Reezlinda Ramli, 30

Taking that first step in making a will can be scary
“Especially in Malay community the topic, some may even deem it taboo. But in modern-day society, I believe it’s important to start early like have a retirement fund from the day you start working. Hence, kudos to Createwills to facilitate this open-mindedness”Nornisamsila Osman, 25
Sterling Will
Below are some of the key features that set us apart from the competition